Recognise Stress When it Happens
It is not always obvious that you are suffering from stress - find out some of the symptoms today.

The first step is to recognise that you are suffering from stress. Stress builds up over time and is not always obvious because its manifestations have become an integral part of your life. But, changes in eating habits, unusual weight gain/loss can be indicators, as can apathy, mood swings and sleeplessness. If you think that you are suffering from stress then it may be that you need to speak to someone about it. Often, in the early stages particularly, just sharing your concerns and worries will help enormously; a trouble shared is indeed a trouble halved. One of the major problems though when you suffer from stress is that you tend to lose perspective (which is a further reason to seek help). By talking to someone instead of pushing the problems away you are actively engaging with them. By trying to regain control of a situation you will automatically begin to feel better.
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