Relationships And Mental Health
Heal through sharing thoughts and worries...

When things get tough we understand the need to have good relationships with the people who love us and who are able to understand our various problems and life stresses. The effects of one person upon another in any relationship is always a two way thing. We need to be able to give and take from each other. Sometimes the giving part is simply letting the other person know how you feel. In this way, you are giving them insight into your feelings and, most importantly you are saying, 'I trust you and I want to share both the good and the bad.' There can be nothing more potentially harmful than allowing yourself to become isolated within a relationship. Isolation doesn't only stop you from accessing help but it also alienates the person who is trying to offer you support and love (they may feel rejected and helpless). This will subsequently lead to anger and resentment. By talking we are reaching out and by reaching out we are saying 'I still love you...'
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