Hand care
It is common to discover that your hands appear to be aging faster than the rest of your body
Hands are the only part of the body that are rarely covered and their continuous exposure to the elements and solar radiation cause dehydration. Furthermore, the first signs of aging gradually appear over the years as the elasticity of the tissues is reduced.
The skin becomes loose and weak, and often presents spots from aging. After the age of 40, there is a substantial likelihood of uneven distribution of melanin, resulting in the appearance of dark aging-spots. Hands also suffer during winter because they produce very little sebum and therefore have a higher propensity to drying and dehydration.
Constant changes in temperature; the dry air of heated rooms and the cold and damp of the outdoors, cause intense dehydration. The The consequences are visible as the skin peels, «pulls» and reddens.
The skin becomes loose and weak, and often presents spots from aging. After the age of 40, there is a substantial likelihood of uneven distribution of melanin, resulting in the appearance of dark aging-spots. Hands also suffer during winter because they produce very little sebum and therefore have a higher propensity to drying and dehydration.
Constant changes in temperature; the dry air of heated rooms and the cold and damp of the outdoors, cause intense dehydration. The The consequences are visible as the skin peels, «pulls» and reddens.
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