Soft drinks- aside from their already-known bad reputation (commonly associated with cellulite) the calorie figures will startle you too! Did you know that 500ml of your fav soft drink carries equal calories to those of a hamburger? Try avoiding fizzy drinks and replace them with healthy 'fruity water' instead.
Hot Beverages- Steer away from high street coffee house coffees. They are considered the biggest calorie offenders as 1 large latte can have the same calories as a grilled chicken caesar salad. If you really need that coffee opt for black coffee and a skinny latte to avoid the full fat milk.
Juices- Just because it's juice doesn't mean it doesn't contain fruit sugar. 500ml of apple juice can have a staggering 295kcl similar to those of a cheeseburger! A great alternative is tomato juice that has half the calorie content of fruit juices.