Smoking vs. Slimming
Do we gain weight when we quit smoking?

Every heard the theory that if you quit smoking you will automatically gain weight? This theory is based on the fact that it categorizes smokers as nervous individuals that have a constant need to occupy themselves. Once quitting smoking this need will have to be replaced by another satisfaction-this is where food comes in.
On the other hand you may get individuals that quit smoking and don’t experience any weight fluctuations. It really depends and varies among individuals.
According to medical professionals, smokers and other addicts (alcoholics, drug abusers) owe their addictions to psychological and social issues however they must take into account that subconsciously they are creating a bigger problem for themselves and their health.
By no means is smoking a means of staying slim as studies have shown that heavy smokers are usually overweight.
On the other hand you may get individuals that quit smoking and don’t experience any weight fluctuations. It really depends and varies among individuals.
According to medical professionals, smokers and other addicts (alcoholics, drug abusers) owe their addictions to psychological and social issues however they must take into account that subconsciously they are creating a bigger problem for themselves and their health.
By no means is smoking a means of staying slim as studies have shown that heavy smokers are usually overweight.
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