Looking To Gain Weight?
Oh yes, this article is relevant to the lucky few individuals who are looking to gain weight

While it may sound absurd to some, there is a small percentage of the population that is seeking to gain some weight either as a result of a poor diet, excessive exercise or illness. However, it is important for such individuals to know that even weight gain needs extra attention and care so as to enrich the body with healthy nutrient-loaded calories.
To begin with, you need to establish how many calories you need to consume on a regular basis to increase your body mass-always taking into account your level of activeness. The next step is to eat on a more regular basis by increasing frequency and quantity and, if desired, adding a few extra snacks throughout the day. Always keep in mind the nutritional values of your meals. Opt for foods that contain more calories however this does not mean that you should dive into sweets, chips and other similarly unhealthy foods.
Here are a few food ideas to enrich your diet and increase your calorie-intake whilst consuming healthy and nutritious meals:
Breakfast- Whole-grain toast with plenty of peanut butter.
Lunch/Dinner-Avocado-nuts salad with plenty of olive oil oven-potatoes, brown rice, whole-grain pasta
Snacks- Apple slices with peanut butter, saltless nuts.
To begin with, you need to establish how many calories you need to consume on a regular basis to increase your body mass-always taking into account your level of activeness. The next step is to eat on a more regular basis by increasing frequency and quantity and, if desired, adding a few extra snacks throughout the day. Always keep in mind the nutritional values of your meals. Opt for foods that contain more calories however this does not mean that you should dive into sweets, chips and other similarly unhealthy foods.
Here are a few food ideas to enrich your diet and increase your calorie-intake whilst consuming healthy and nutritious meals:
Breakfast- Whole-grain toast with plenty of peanut butter.
Lunch/Dinner-Avocado-nuts salad with plenty of olive oil oven-potatoes, brown rice, whole-grain pasta
Snacks- Apple slices with peanut butter, saltless nuts.
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