Healthy Living for a Healthy Heart
Change a few simple things in your life and live longer

Two of the biggest factors in heart disease is high blood pressure and cholesterol; both of which are preventable. High blood pressure can sometimes be reduced simply by losing weight. The same applies for cholesterol which can be reduced by what we do or don't put into our mouths. Yet, even though we know this, heart disease is still one of the biggest killers of modern times. Bad habits creep up on us slowly and it is often easier to tell ourselves that we are fine than to look in the mirror and face the facts! By changing a few simple things in our lives and looking at the long term plan rather than the quick- fix answers, we could be lengthening our life span. For example, if you smoke then the healthy and logical approach is to quit. Look at your diet objectively and honestly, can you cut out or cut down on salt and saturated fats? Could you replace sweets with fruits? And let's not forget exercise! Take a brisk ten minute walk every day. After a week or two build this up to twice a day and eventually three times a day. Do this at least five days a week. You will not only feel better but you will look better too! Healthy living means a healthy heart and it is in your power to ensure it stays that way.
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