Hair-loss Promoters
What factors enforce hair-loss and freeze hair growth.

There are an array of factors that 'promote' hair-loss. Any form of harsh hair therapies, chemical products, hair dyes and hair straightening procedures (if used regularly) can lead to hair-loss as the hair follicles get damaged. Hair-loss can also be hereditary - most commonly in men. Hormone fluctuations may lead to hair-loss however doctors usually prescribe the contraceptive pill to counterbalance the hormone imbalance. Pregnancy (due to hormone fluctuations) can also lead to hair-loss as hair is retained on scalp and only falls 3 months after birth. Another common hair-loss enforcer is a poor diet lacking vital nutrients and vitamins as well as anorexia and bulimia. Finally, hair-loss may just be a natural result from aging whereby the hair-growth process naturally slows down.
Whatever the exact root of your problem the best thing to do is to visit your dermatologist who will help you override this common problem.
Whatever the exact root of your problem the best thing to do is to visit your dermatologist who will help you override this common problem.
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