Gain 100% from your push ups
How to make your push-ups harder and burn more calories

Push-ups are one of the oldest, most traditional and effective upper body exercises. They work out intensively all the upper body muscles whilst building optimal strength in your forearms, wrists, upper arms, shoulders and mainly your chest. In additional to upper body strengthening, push-ups increase metabolism, and helps you burn more calories (approximately 1 calorie per push-up). Here are some tips that can multiply the benefits from a push-up work out.
No Equipment
The Routine
2 to 3 sets of 15-20 reps of each way, at least 3 times per week.
Use of an instability ball
Normally your hands are at the level of your shoulders. However, if you place your hands wider, you work your chest and shoulders more intensively. If you place them below your chest, you work your triceps more.
15-20 reps
Normally your hands are at the level of your shoulders. However, if you place your hands wider, you work your chest and shoulders more intensively. If you place them below your chest, you work your triceps more.
15-20 reps
Add decline
If you rest your feet higher than your body (use a bench, a chair, a medicine ball etc) you place more weight on your upper body and therefore, you work your arms and chest a lot harder.
15-20 reps
If you rest your feet higher than your body (use a bench, a chair, a medicine ball etc) you place more weight on your upper body and therefore, you work your arms and chest a lot harder.
15-20 reps
Lift one leg
Likewise with the aforementioned type of exercise, you can try while you push-up, simultaneously to raise your one leg. In that way, you put more pressure on your upper body and at the same time you work your glutes and your core.
15-20 reps
Likewise with the aforementioned type of exercise, you can try while you push-up, simultaneously to raise your one leg. In that way, you put more pressure on your upper body and at the same time you work your glutes and your core.
15-20 reps
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