Hello Healthy, Good-bye Excess Pounds!
Healthy eating is about healthy living. Be beautiful from the inside out...

There are several basic factors to consider when eating healthily in order to lose weight. Eating healthily is about enjoying the food you eat but with the added bonus of knowing it is doing you good too. It is about ethos and not about cutting out food. Instead, it is about replacing it with certain foods or drink that are healthier alternatives. There is no need to be hungry, on the contrary, a healthy eating plan should leave you feeling satisfied and replete. Tip: Try cutting sugary drinks from your diet and replace them with freshly squeezed fruit juices diluted with about one third of water. Drink plenty of water too! A great tip is to fill a jug with ice cold water and add some lemon slices. Leave the glass in the fridge ready to be consumed whenever you want. Hint; by being organised you make temptation much easier to resist.
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