Do runners need strength training?
Weight training is indispensable for runners

The old belief that runners don’t need and shouldn’t do weight training is certainly wrong. A recent study published in MSSE indicated that a group of runners which performed weight lifting exercises (three times per week for 2 months) increased their power, but they also impressively increased their endurance by approximately 20% compared to the other group which didn’t performed any weight training. The key to benefit from resistance training is to do the correct, effective and safe exercises with proper technique control.
Medicine ball, dumbbells
The Routine
2-3 sets of 14 reps of each exercise for more than 3 weeks. Ball squats with one leg, split squats, dumbbell dead-lifts. These exercises improve your running economy, leg strength, balance and coordination.
Step 1
Ball squats with one leg: Stand on one leg with a medicine ball pressed against a wall with your back. Slowly squat to approximately 90° of knee bend, pause for 2-4 seconds, and slowly return to starting position.
Ball squats with one leg: Stand on one leg with a medicine ball pressed against a wall with your back. Slowly squat to approximately 90° of knee bend, pause for 2-4 seconds, and slowly return to starting position.
Step 2
Split squats: Stand in front of a platform and place your left leg on it. Keep your weight in the front leg, bend slowly your knees and lower into a lunge until the front knee is at about a 90° angle. Push through the front heel to stand up and repeat.
Split squats: Stand in front of a platform and place your left leg on it. Keep your weight in the front leg, bend slowly your knees and lower into a lunge until the front knee is at about a 90° angle. Push through the front heel to stand up and repeat.
Step 3
Dumbbell dead-lifts: Hold two dumbbells at your sides with palms facing in. Your feet should be at the level of your shoulders and your back straight. Move the dumbbells in front of your thighs, with your palms facing your thighs. Bend your knees to lower the weight to the floor keeping your back straight, while looking ahead. Pause for a 2-4 seconds at the bottom, before you return to your standing position with your back remaining straight, exhaling.
Dumbbell dead-lifts: Hold two dumbbells at your sides with palms facing in. Your feet should be at the level of your shoulders and your back straight. Move the dumbbells in front of your thighs, with your palms facing your thighs. Bend your knees to lower the weight to the floor keeping your back straight, while looking ahead. Pause for a 2-4 seconds at the bottom, before you return to your standing position with your back remaining straight, exhaling.
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