A simCircuit training
A simple circuit training program for weight loss

Circuit training is an effective way to strengthen your muscles and simultaneously increase weight loss. It can be done outdoor or indoors, with the use of equipment or without. It combines cardiovascular activities with strength/resistance exercises. Also, it’s a time efficient exercise program which keeps your heart rate high throughout the work-out, thus it increases the total amount of calories burned that can reach 500 in just 30 minutes of training!
No Equipment
The Routine
Warm-up: 3-5minutes. Main Set (3-5 consecutive times): squat jumps: 60 sec, jumping jacks: 60 sec, push-ups: 30 sec, high knee marches: 60 sec, lunges: 60 sec, rest: 90 sec. Stretching: 3-5 minutes.
Squat jumps
Stand with feet apart at the level of your shoulders and your arms behind your neck. Slowly perform a regular squat and then jump up explosively. Repeat the movement.
Stand with feet apart at the level of your shoulders and your arms behind your neck. Slowly perform a regular squat and then jump up explosively. Repeat the movement.
Jumping jacks
Begin in a position with your feet together and your arms at the side. Start jumping in place, with your legs spread wide and your hands toughing over your head. Keep working in a continuous manner.
Begin in a position with your feet together and your arms at the side. Start jumping in place, with your legs spread wide and your hands toughing over your head. Keep working in a continuous manner.
Place your hands on the floor at the level of your shoulders. Keep your feet slightly apart and elevate your body hence your legs and chest don't touch the floor. Press down with your arms with your back straight. Then, slowly, raise your body until your arms are straight again, back to the starting position. Repeat the movement.
Place your hands on the floor at the level of your shoulders. Keep your feet slightly apart and elevate your body hence your legs and chest don't touch the floor. Press down with your arms with your back straight. Then, slowly, raise your body until your arms are straight again, back to the starting position. Repeat the movement.
High knee marches
Stand up straight. Perform a quick, exaggerated march in place, by raising your right knee towards your chest while you bend your left arm intensively in front of you. Quickly alter sides.
Stand up straight. Perform a quick, exaggerated march in place, by raising your right knee towards your chest while you bend your left arm intensively in front of you. Quickly alter sides.
Slowly step your right leg forward with both of your knees bended. The thigh of your right leg should be parallel to the floor and the knee of your left leg should almost touch the floor. Then, slowly push off, return to the starting position and alter legs.
Slowly step your right leg forward with both of your knees bended. The thigh of your right leg should be parallel to the floor and the knee of your left leg should almost touch the floor. Then, slowly push off, return to the starting position and alter legs.
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