Building your biceps
By light weight lifting, it is possible to build attractive biceps.

By stretching and contrasting the bicep muscles you will achieve strong and stunning arms. The lying wide dumbbell curl is the advanced level exercise that ensure the building of biceps with light weight lifting. This exercise is performed by lying back on the flat bench and grabbing the pair of dumbbells. Grip the dumbbells neutrally and extend the arms straight on the sides. Align your elbows, wrists and shoulders. Fix your upper arm and gradually curl the pair of dumbbells towards the shoulders. Twist your wrist for availing the underhand grip. Squeeze the muscles of your biceps and gradually lower the weights to starting position. Repeat the lying wide dumbbell curl as many times as you can.
Dumbbells and flat bench
The Routine
Lay down on a flat‐surfaced bench straight. Hold the dumbbells neutrally. The dumbbells must face your body. Align wrist, shoulders and elbows in one direction. Curl the dumbbells in towards the shoulders. Squeeze the bicep muscles. RATE THIS EXERCISE
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