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Banish the Bloat!
Fed up of looking and feeling bloated? Follow our tips for a flab-less new you!
Fed up of looking and feeling bloated even though you hit the gym daily? You'll be pleased to find out that we have a solution to turning your flab to fab.

Drain excess water-.Research has shown that up to 3lbs of excess water can be trapped in your body. Water retention can be caused from eating too much salt so a healthier alternative to flavoring your food may be adding herbs, spices or lemon.

Have a mint-And we don't mean only for your breath. Mint is great at helping digestion by stimulating the flow of natural digestive juices and bile. Consider replacing your coffee with peppermint tea and enjoy the flab-tastic results.

Do something about it- Don't let the fact that you feel puffy make you feel sluggish too. The best thing you can do is exercise-a brisk 10-minute walk is all you need. Invigorate your entire system and help your body banish the bloat for good.
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