Alcohol addiction
Alcohol addiction is a medical and social problem that requires special attention in order for the individual to overcome it

Alcohol addiction is a major medical problem. Neurological and brain damage, liver cirrhosis and depression are among the most common threats. If you are concerned that a friend or a close relative may have an addiction to alcohol, the following signs are an indication that he/she needs help and medical intervention:
- Coercive alcohol consumption.
- Drinking alcohol is always top priority and above all social activities.
- Needs to consume greater amounts of alcohol to get merry and/or intoxicated.
- Shows signs of deprivation ( trembling, nerves, sweating, illusions, even delusions) six to eight hours after the last drink.
- Drinks to relieve the above symptoms.
- The amount of alcohol consumed is no longer socially connected. The patient needs to consume alcohol so that the symptoms mentioned above do not occur
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